Our latest paper “Which Artificial Intelligences Do People Care About Most? A Conjoint Experiment on Moral Consideration” was just presented in Honolulu at CHI, the flagship conference of the field of human-computer interaction. In this project, Ali Ladak, Jamie Harris, and Jacy Reese Anthis conducted a large experiment to test different factors that drive the moral inclusion of AIs and digital minds.
Many studies have identified particular features of artificial intelligences (AI), such as their autonomy and emotion expression, that affect the extent to which they are treated as subjects of moral consideration. However, there has not yet been a comparison of the relative importance of features as is necessary to design and understand increasingly capable, multi-faceted AI systems. We conducted an online conjoint experiment in which 1,163 participants evaluated descriptions of AIs that varied on these features. All 11 features increased how morally wrong participants considered it to harm the AIs. The largest effects were from human-like physical bodies and prosociality (i.e., emotion expression, emotion recognition, cooperation, and moral judgment). For human-computer interaction designers, the importance of prosociality suggests that, because AIs are often seen as threatening, the highest levels of moral consideration may only be granted if the AI has positive intentions.
Open access publication in CHI: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3613904.3642403